What is the use and significance of lithium-ion battery energy storage system?

  • 2023-12-15 08:37
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In recent years the new energy industry has been rapid development, lithium-ion battery application scenarios can be divided into consumption, power and energy storage three, the current storage battery technology is developing rapidly, lithium-ion battery energy storage field has also been closely watched, once a breakthrough, will be on the new energy development, grid operation and control, end-use of energy in a way to appear significant impact.


The use of lithium-ion battery energy storage system

Lithium-ion batteries for energy storage as an emerging application scenario is also gradually being paid attention to, lithium-ion batteries have a broad prospect in the application of large-scale energy storage systems due to its high energy density, high conversion efficiency and fast response. Future energy storage lithium-ion battery technology will realize a wide range of applications in the new generation of power systems.

1, new energy and grid demand, including power quality improvement, flat wave; new energy generation plan tracking, combined with power generation curve prediction; peak shaving and valley filling, so that the new energy to continue to generate power; and photovoltaic, wind power generation, smoothing the power output, improve the acceptance of the grid ratio, make full use of the new energy, reduce harmful gas emissions;

2、Adjusting the load curve, shaving peaks and filling valleys, improving the utilization rate of power distribution equipment and lines.

3、Participate in grid frequency regulation to improve the power supply level of the grid.

4、As an important part of the mini-grid, it solves livelihood problems and improves the quality of power supply in local areas;

5, an important element of the smart grid;

6, special to (photovoltaic power stations, disaster sites, subway stations, airports and terminals, military bases and other places to uninterruptible power supply)

7, data centers; lithium-ion batteries can be many times fast charging and discharging, as well as high-density characteristics, in the municipal power trough time for power storage, when the power peaks come, the stored power will be transmitted to the data center, so as to reduce the peak pressure of the power grid. This function, whether for green energy saving or PUE will have a greater contribution to meet the government and data center users at the same time on the dual requirements of PUE and TCO;

8、Distributed energy storage for peak shaving and valley filling in plants and buildings;

9, standby power.

The significance of the development of lithium-ion battery energy storage system

The application of lithium-ion energy storage can change China's traditional energy supply and energy use model, which is of great significance in promoting China's energy structure transformation, consumer-side energy revolution, guaranteeing energy security, and realizing energy conservation and emission reduction goals.

Lithium-ion battery energy storage system in the distributed power generation and microgrid system to achieve the storage of electric energy, peak shaving and valley filling, leveling new energy output fluctuations and other functions, is an essential part of the system. With the continuous development of lithium technology, as well as the world's lithium-ion batteries and new energy technology support, large-scale lithium-ion battery energy storage system devices have been more and more research and development and application.

The energy storage market includes large-scale electric power storage, home energy storage, and backup power storage. Existing technology, lithium-ion batteries in the field of backup power energy storage cost-effective has been significantly improved, backup power and home energy storage is now more suitable for the application of lithium-ion batteries in the field. And the energy storage, especially in the field of backup power storage market is particularly broad. Lithium-ion battery energy storage future market potential is unlimited.

With the future development of a variety of lithium-ion battery energy storage technology and widely used, energy storage batteries will be applied to the power system, "generation, transmission, distribution, use, regulation" of the various aspects of the power system, it is possible to change the existing power system production, transportation and use of power systems, to help the traditional power system to the "extensive interconnection, intelligent interaction, Intelligent interaction, flexible, safe and controllable" transformation of the new generation of power systems.

New energy storage battery technology has become the current R & D hot spots and technology frontier, the future is expected to significantly improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries for energy storage, and promote the large-scale application of lithium-ion batteries for energy storage.

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