Haichen Energy Storage 7.5MW/21.5MWh user-side battery energy storage system was successfully connected to the grid

  • 2023-12-22 08:13
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On June 10th, the largest industrial and commercial energy storage project in Zhuhai, the 7.5MW/21.5MWh Zhuhai Kingfa energy storage system, was connected to the grid, and Xiamen Haichen New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. A core equipment supplier provides energy storage solutions, including energy storage cells. The successful operation of the Zhuhai Kingfa energy storage project has added a benchmark project for the large-scale application of user-side energy storage projects across the country, helping enterprises to be carbon neutral.
21.5MWh battery energy storage system
Currently, the profit model of energy storage projects on the industrial and commercial side is mainly peak-valley arbitrage, that is, charging at low electricity prices when electricity consumption is low and discharging it to industrial and commercial users when electricity is soft consumption peaks. Risk of electricity. With the improvement of time-of-use electricity prices, the difference between peak and valley electricity prices has widened, and the economy of energy storage on the industrial and commercial side has been significantly improved.
In September 2021, the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Further Improving the Province's Peak and Valley Time-of-use Electricity Price Policy," improving the current peak-valley time-of-use price policy and implementing the peak electricity price policy. The price ratio is adjusted from the current 1.65:1:0.5 to 1.7:1:0.38.
The grid-connected energy storage project is located in Zhuhai Jinfa Biological Park, with a total construction scale of 7.5MW/21.504MWh. According to estimates, after the project is officially implemented, it can save more than 5 million yuan in electricity bills by storing electricity during the trough period and supplying power during the peak period. At the same time, it can also participate in the market-oriented demand response service of the Guangdong Electric Power Trading Center, and the scale of revenue generation is expected to exceed more than 200 yuan per year. 10,000 yuan, significantly improving the economic benefits of the energy storage system and shortening the project investment return period. In addition, the energy storage system can also act as a backup power supply, continuously supplying power to essential load lines, as a vital blessing for the stable production of enterprises.
The project uses Haichen energy storage 280Ah cells as the energy storage medium, the energy efficiency of a single cell exceeds 95%, and the cycle life exceeds 10,000 times, effectively reducing operating costs and improving the overall project revenue period. The system comprises a battery system, battery management system, PCS, 10KV step-up transformer, energy management system, fire protection system, temperature control system, and other subsystems. The system design indicators have reached the industry-leading level. The highly integrated design isolates the battery from the electricity, making the project construction, operation, and maintenance more efficient and improving safety.

7.5MWh battery energy storage system
According to the forecast of China Southern Power Grid, by 2025, the maximum load of the whole society in Guangdong will reach 165 million kilowatts, with an average annual growth rate of 4.6%, and the electricity consumption will be 880 billion kilowatt-hours, with an average yearly growth rate of 4.4%. The practical and flexible peak-shaving power supply in Guangdong Province is 26.22 million kilowatts, less than the conventional peak-shaving demand of 30 million kilowatts. The orderly development of the construction of energy storage systems on the industrial and commercial side is of more positive significance for maintaining the optimal combination of power operating units and the dynamic stability of the power grid. The grid connection of the Zhuhai Kingfa energy storage project is undoubtedly the first step in developing industrial and commercial energy storage in Zhuhai.

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