A WIDE RANGE of hybrid and battery PCS solutions for all your C&I projects with various requirements
T30 / 50 /100
30 / 50 / 100 kW hybrid PCS
A double inverter capacity PV input for off-grid Flexible power modular design
100 / 200 kWp Max. PV input
Optional STS module Transformer integrated
Battery DC voltage range: 250-520 V
TB50 / 100 / 150
50 / 100 / 150 kW battery PCS
Multiple MPPTs for flexibility
Grid-forming with solar inverters Keep operating off-grid
AC-coupled solution
1 / 2 / 3 x 60kW PV string inverters
4 / 8 / 12 MPPT
STS / Transformer integrated
Battery DC voltage range: 500-850V
TB250 / 50
250 / 500 kW battery PCS
Heavy-duty industrial application

AC-coupled solution
With max.10 x 50 kW PV string inverter 250 kW transformer integrated
500 kW transformerless
Separate STS / ATS cabinet required
A FLEXIBLE battery pack solution to meet all your C&I energy storage capacity needs
The 1C battery solution
500 kW / 1.26 MWh
UPS+ Load Management for Pharmaceutical factory
Location: Cambodia
500kW / 1.1MWh
UPS + Load shifting + Self- c ons ump tion, R ene w able
Demonstration Park
Location: Yangzhong, China